Very interesting analysis of securities law cases in related posts of June 24, 2016 at the D&O Diary and June 24, 2016 at the Stanford Securities blog. Motley Rice even breaks into the discussion in a small way; see footnote 2.
The overview introduction is as follows:
“ERA and Cornerstone have recently published annual reports showing that the volume of securities class actions has increased from 2006 to 2015, with a low in 2009 and a steady rise since then. In this blog we use the more detailed data of the SSLA database to dig deeper into this trend and expose some interesting drivers. As we will explain, the increase in case volume has come with a decrease in average case quality, measured a few different ways. In addition, low quality cases appear to have been litigated disproportionately—though not exclusively—by a group of firms that until 2009 had a relatively small share of the federal securities class action market but whose share has increased substantially since then. Much of the data we provide here will be presented in charts, with relatively little text. For a more detailed discussion of the data, please see our post on Kevin LaCroix’s D&O Diary blog.“