The email ad below caught the eye. The topic provides something to ponder for undergrads thinking about law, as well as the lawyers thinking about a new focus.
One other idea: also learn a commercially useful language.
The Section of Science & Technology Law presents a FREE teleconference for Section members
WHEN: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 12:00pm CST
This 90-minute program will offer strategies and tactics to help you build your practice quickly. Join us to gain invaluable insights from these SciTech leaders: Scott Partridge (a partner at Baker Botts in Houston and 2008-2009 Section Chair), Vid Mohan-Ram, Ph.D. (an associate at Foley and Lardner in D.C., former editor/writer at Science Magazine’s Next Wave, and Vice-Chair of the Section’s Biotechnology Law Committee) and Kristie Prinz (founder of the Prinz Law Office in Silicon Valley and a member of the Section’s Program Committee). The program moderator, Julie Fleming (founder of attorney consultancy Life at the Bar LLC, author of the 2009 book, The Reluctant Rainmaker: A Guide for Lawyers Who Hate Selling, and Secretary of the Section), will share additional perspectives based on her conversations with lawyers around the world. We’ll discuss:
· What you must do now to grow your book of business in today’s new economy
· How to continue your professional development, even if you’ve been in practice for years
· Which qualifications and activities will advance your practice
· How you can meet potential clients
· The “must do” activities for solos and large firm lawyers for career and business development
· Much more
You’ll leave this program with a list of bite-sized activities you can implement immediately to move your practice forward.
CLE credit is not available for this program.
Your e-mail address will only be used within the ABA and its entities. We do not sell or rent e-mail addresses to anyone outside the ABA.
American Bar Association | 321 N Clark | Chicago, IL 60654 | 1-800-285-2221