Reputation and financial risk are once again headline news as the CEO of UBS has now resigned because of the latest "rogue trader" scandal.
The label "rogue trader" is interesting and great corporate spinning. But, how many times can traders be called "rogues" when there are compliance departments, and traders are placing trades for a bank, in its name? One has to wonder if the more accurate label would be "badly monitored trader." Some USB history is told in this apparently not flattering book.
Key excerpts follow:
"GENEVA (AP) — UBS chief executive Oswald Gruebel has resigned over a $2.3 billion rogue trading loss, the bank said Saturday. The move ends days of speculation about whether Gruebel could retain his position following the latest scandal to hit Switzerland’s biggest bank.
London-based UBS trader Kweku Adoboli was arrested last week and charged with fraud and false accounting for the $2.3 billion loss. A judge ordered him Thursday to be held in jail until a hearing next month.
The announcement also noted that the board, which met in Singapore this week, would seek to put in place measures to prevent a similar rogue trading loss from recurring."