It’s back, and with more science than before. It’s the 13th Annual Asbestos Claims & Litigation Conference from the American Conference Institute, in Philadelphia, on Thursday January 30 and Friday February 1, 2013. Yours truly is one of the co-chairs, and it’s a pleasure to report on the conference’s increased focus on science relevant to asbestos litigation. The science is especially relevant as state appellate courts keep refining (or not) the proofs required to substantiate an asbestos cancer claim.
The central science panel topic ? Low dose science and the ongoing saga of the "chrysotile defense." This science of course is central to underlying cases. It’s also relevant to asbestos bankruptcies. Just two weeks ago in the Bondex bankruptcy, Dr. Feingold and Dr. Welch testified about the low dose issues and the "chrysotile defense." Beyond the science panel, I’ll be covering some of the new science on mesothelioma biomarkers, and posing some questions about whether science might actually obtain some respect in bankruptcy court.
The line-up includes the following doctors:
Drexel University
Professor of Medicine, Director
Center for Advanced Lung Disease
Stanford University Medical Center
Professor of Pathology
Associate Director of Surgical Pathology
University of Virginia Hospital
Medical Director
Department of Occupational