An email landed in the inbox today for a free sample issue of this new law journal focused – apparently – on the rule of law. The journal concept seems intriguing. So, the text of the email is set out below.
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law
Sample issue online The rule of law and legal pluralism
The latest issue of the Hague Journal on the Rule of Law (HJRL) features a section of the rule of law and legal pluralism. You can read the following fascinating articles free of charge for a limited period.
The Rule of Law and Legal Pluralism in Development – Brian Z. Tamanaha
Legal Pluralism and International Development Agencies: State Building or Legal Reform? – Julio Faundez
Sustainable Diversity in Law – H. Patrick Glenn
Historical Perspectives on Legal Pluralism – Lauren Benton
The latest issue of HJRL also features a section on the practical issues of rule of law promotion. This section and the rest of this issue is available online without charge, until the 1st of August 2011.
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Recommendations from faculty members are the primary influence on librarians’ budget decisions so to ensure you have full access to this journal, follow this link to recommend a subscription to your librarian now.
We hope you enjoy this sample issue.
Kind regards,
Jim Ansell Cambridge Journals