A May 25, 2011 conference in London will bring together true industry leaders and legal thought leaders, including Justice Jackson. The agenda and registration are here for Maximising Opportunities in Litigation Funding.
Justice Jackson authored the leading report for the UK on litigation costs and funding. Background materials are here, as are links to the paper. Panel members will include Selvyn Seidel, a leader in this field.
The conference agenda is pasted below.
09:20 – 09:25 Chair’s opening remarks
Michael Napier CBE QC, Senior Partner, Irwin Mitchell LLP
09:25 – 10:00 Access to justice and third party funding
Lord Justice Jackson
Jackson review: recommendations on third party funding
What is the interaction between access to justice and third party funding?
10:00 – 10:45 Third party funding in practice
Susan Dunn, Head of Litigation Funding, Harbour Litigation Funding Limited
Considerations when accessing funding
What funding options are available?
What provisions should you expect to find in funding agreements?
How to make use of funding to maximise fee income for your practice
10:45 – 11:00 Coffee
11:00 – 11:45 Finding the right cases for funding
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David v Goliath – access to justice for SMEs
Risk sharing
Aggregating claims
Christian Stuerwald, Head of Underwriting, Calunius Capital LLP
Leslie Perrin, Chairman, Calunius Capital LLP
11:45 – 12:30 Conditional fee agreements
Paul Shenton, Managing Director, Just Costs Solicitors
Current issues and major developments
Assessing the impact of Campbell v MGN
Implications of ending the recoverability of success fees
What does the future hold?
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 14:10 After-the-event insurance
Ashley Netherclift, Head of Underwriting, LawAssist
Potential risks for solicitors
Eligibility requirements
Interaction with third party funders
14:10 – 14:40 Contingency fees
Hardeep Nahal, Partner, Herbert Smith LLP
When can contingency fees be used?
The Ontario model
Contingency fees vs. third party funding
What are the implications of contingency agreements as a funding option?
14:40 – 15:20 Funding arbitration
Lord Daniel Brennan QC, Matrix Chambers
Funding investor-state arbitration
Differences in risk profiles between arbitration and litigation
Overview of arbitration funding
Contingency fees in arbitration
15:20 – 15:35 Afternoon Tea
15:35 – 16:15 Developments in European litigation funding
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Litigation funding and forum selection in Europe
The Dutch model
The German model
Future trends in Europe
Rob Murray, Partner, Crowell & Moring LLP
Pierre Bos, Partner, BarentsKrans
Till Schreiber, Legal Counsel, Cartel Damage Claims
16:15 – 17:00 Panel Session: The future of third party funding and after-the-event insurance
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How is the market going forward?
What are the investment opportunities?
Can third party funding be extended to the high-street?
Ross Clark, Underwriting Director, Firstassist Legal Expenses Insurance Limited
Selvyn Seidel, Chairman and Co-Founder, FULBROOK MANAGEMENT LLC
17:00 – 17:10 Chair’s closing remarks