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Mass Tort Claiming and Resolution – Lots of Great Posts and Links at the Mass Tort Litigation

Writer's picture: Kirk HartleyKirk Hartley

I’d love to take a few days to read and write about interesting thinking on mass torts and claims resolution issues. But that’s not possible right now. I do, however, have time to urge readers to spend some time on the November and December posts at the Mass Tort Litigation Blog.

At the blog, you will find lots of interesting thinking and writing, including open-minded thinking on where we are and what’s ahead. Specifically, lots of defense side people today are busy praising and/or asking for the demise of tort-related class actions. That may be a great outcome to preclude “greenmail” settlements forced simply by the size of an aggregated risk, as Judge Posner explained years ago in the Rhone-Poulenc litigation. But as a couple of the posts point out, the world outside class actions may be worse as companies take repeated, major hits in individual cases. Thus, smoking verdicts post-Engle and two recent Prempro verdicts are examples presented in recent posts. On the human side, real people face horrible diseases that can bring intense suffering, mental and physical disability, and death.

What about individual trials – is that the answer ? Not really, for many reasons for both sides. Indeed, the individual trial process drives Wall Street and companies crazy because they want predictable cash flow, but they cannot obtain consistency with myriad trials. The result ? Stock price goes way down, and so management looks for a way to get back to cash flow certainty. Chapter 11 often becomes the answer, and that’s a mixed bag at best. Today, all sides (plaintiffs, futures representatives, defendants, and insurers, plus judges) are involved in creating some real public policy travesties in chapter 11 asbestos bankruptcies. Why ?Because for many reasons, the various sides mainly take short-term views and do what’s expedient to get to a resolution “for this case.”

Huge new issues are ahead. Why ? For one, tort litigation is exploding around the globe, and will continue to do so as nations develop. Meanwhile, as science continues to move at a blistering pace, more and more causes and effects can be proven at the cellular level. Tragically, many cancer rates (not cancer death rates, but rates of disease) are soaring here in the US and around the globe. In addition, scientists are finding more problems, such as chemical-induced endocrine system disruption, and chemical-induced genomic changes that cause harms across multiple generations of humans and animals. Over time, there will be many more succesful claims for medical monitoring. And, now that science is exploding with new tools and new answers, the monitoring claims will result in requests for funds to pay for new research, and/or to pay for individual genomic therapy. Those payments will be large, but may less expensive than paying for intense suffering followed by disability or death. In short, over the next 20 years, there will be massive claims for massive injuries, and courts will be asked to resolve issues regarding whether there is “liability” (however that is defined), and will be asked to decide what to do when liability is proven or claims are settled.

So, that takes this all back to where this post started. If you want to look ahead in the world of mass torts, spend some time pondering some of the great posts and links at the Mass Tort blog. The blog is here. Enjoy.

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About Kirk

Since becoming a lawyer in 1983, Kirk’s 35+ years of practice have focused on advising a wide range of corporations, associations, and individuals (as both plaintiffs and defendants) on both tort and commercial law issues centered around “mass torts.”


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