As pointed out in this prior post, lung cancer claims exceeded mesothelioma claims in Madison County in 2012. Part of why this is happening arises from significantly increased and targeted advertising directed at persons with "any kind of lung cancer." A new example is online here, and pasted below.
So, what are asbestos defendants doing in response in terms of bringing big tobacco into the cases? Mainly, nothing.
Doing nothing is a fine game plan for ending up in chapter 11 or 7.
"(PRWEB) February 19, 2013
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, "We are doing everything possible to get the word out to all US lung cancer victims, about possible significant financial compensation, if they were exposed to asbestos in their workplace. We fear there are up to 20,000 US citizens right now, who have been diagnosed with any kind of lung cancer, who were exposed to asbestos in their workplace, and who should get significant financial compensation. We want to be the advocate for all lung cancer victims who were exposed to asbestos at their workplace, and we want to make certain they are compensated. If a victim of any type of lung cancer had long term exposure to asbestos in their workplace the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center will direct the victim, or family members to a very capable law firm, that has an established record of achieving superior results for their clients." For more information lung cancer victims, or their family members are urged to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
Important Note From The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center: "According to the American Lung Association, "In nonsmokers who have been exposed to asbestos, the risk of lung cancer is five times that of unexposed workers." http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, "According to the US Centers for Disease Control US Navy Veterans had the highest exposure levels to asbestos, because they lived, and worked on navy ships that were loaded with asbestos. Other high risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include shipyards in Washington, California, Virginia, Louisiana, and Maine, power plants especially if they were located in Ohio, West Virginia, Arizona, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, or New Jersey, manufacturing factories in any US state, chemical plants, especially in Louisiana, Texas, or Illinois, oil refineries in Washington, California, New Jersey, Texas, or Alaska, mines, smelters, aerospace manufacturing facilities, demolition construction work sites nationwide, railroads, automotive manufacturing facilities, or auto brake shops. With lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure the lung cancer typically does not show up until decades after the exposure. Many victims never smoked, and they never connected their asbestos exposure decades ago, to their lung cancer diagnosis. As long as the victim, or their family members can prove the exposure to asbestos, we will do everything possible to help them get what might be significant financial compensation." For more information please call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center anytime at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
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