Interesting June 25, 2018 interview/article in Corporate Counsel on the expansion of the ILR through acquisition of news media, and its expansion around the globe. The article arises from ILR reaching 20 years. Among other things, Ms. Rickard comments that litigation funding and the global spread of litigation are important developments that will shape the future. Some of us saw that coming a decade ago; e.g. here and here.
The opening of the article highlights the media effort and the global expansion:
“The Institute for Legal Reform, a U.S. Chamber of Commerce affiliate, is celebrating its 20th anniversary on Wednesday. Its president, Lisa Rickard, has been there 15 of those years and seen a host of changes in the corporate legal world.
Among the ILR’s accomplishments under Rickard, it led the effort to pass the landmark Class Action Fairness Act of 2005; created and expanded the Madison County Record enterprise, a chain of nine legal newspapers; and guided the global expansion of ILR into Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas.”