Now that Scotland and Northern Ireland are allowing lawsuits for compensation for pleural plaques, trade union UNITE is arguing that England and Wales also should allow pleural plaques claiming, as illustrated here. But England already – and wisely – seriously considered but rejected legislation to allow pleural plaques claiming – there was an entire consultation process and negotiations with the unions, see here and here for some history. For a broader view across the EU, see this prior post.
Hoepfully England and Wales will not repeat the mistakes of their brethren. Simply put, pleural plaques litigation takes money and time away from resolving the far more serious problems of persons suffering from lethal and brutal mesothelioma tumors. There also are myriad other reasons not to allow pleural plaques claiming. I covered the issues at some length in 2008 in a detailed submission to the UK government’s consultation process. The 37 page outline is here, along with its exhibits.