Researchers continue to refine models for the likelihood of developing mesothelioma after asbestos inhalation. Here is the abstract for a new European Respiratory Journal article with a model based on numbers drawn from mesotheliomas in France. The abstract states the following:
Temporal patterns of occupationalasbestos exposure and risk of pleural mesothelioma
+Author Affiliations
*Université´ Bordeaux Segalen ISPED, Centre de recherche INSERM U897 “Épidémiologie et Biostatistique”, Bordeaux France
#Équipe Associée en Santé Travail- Essat (InVS/DST – LSTE-EA3672) Bordeaux France
¶Institut de Veille Sanitaire Département Santé Travail, Saint Maurice France
+Unité mixte de recherche épidémiologique et de surveillance en transport travail et environnement Umrestte (UCB Lyon 1/InVS/Inrets), Lyon France
A. Lacourt, Isped – Lste – Essat – 146 Rue Leo Saignat – 33076 Bordeaux – France,
Asbestos is the primary cause of pleural mesothelioma (PM). The objective of this study was to elucidate the importance of different temporal patterns of occupational asbestos exposure on the risk of PM, using case-control data in males.
Cases were selected from a French case-control study conducted in 1987–1993 and the French National Mesothelioma Surveillance Program in 1998–2006. Population controls were frequency matched to cases by year of birth. Occupational asbestos exposure was evaluated with a job-exposure matrix. The dose-response relationships were estimated using restricted cubic spline functions in logistic regression models.
A total of 2,466 ever asbestos exposed males (1,041 cases and 1,425 controls) were used. After adjustment for intensity and total duration of occupationalasbestos exposure, the risk of PM was lower for subjects first exposed after the age of 20 years and continued to increase until 30 years after cessation of exposure. The effect of total duration of exposure decreased when age at first exposure and time since last exposure increased.
These results based on a large population-based case-control study underline the need to take into account the temporal pattern of exposure on risk assessment.