More asbestos conferences, and more on cancers and science. ACI hosts its annual asbestos litigation conference in Philadelphia on Thursday, January 15, and Friday, January 16, 2015 at The Union League of Philadelphia.
Se out below are parts of the descriptions for three of the panels focused on cancer and science:
10:35 Increase in Lung Cancer Claims: Madison County Developments; Novel Forum Non Conveniens Issues; the Latest on the Interrelation Between Asbestos, Asbestosis, Smoking & Lung Cancer;
and New Twists With Regard to “Take Home” Exposure as a Cause of Lung Cancer
1:00 Causation, Causation, Causation: The Latest on Dose in Asbestos Cases Including Low Dose Exposure Claims, Toxicology Studies of Low Dose Exposure to Asbestos, and Recent Trends, Decisions and Expert Testimony (Including Cross-Examination)
With Regard to the “Every Exposure Theory”
Charles A. Weaver, III, PhD Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience Baylor University
Thomas Hesterberg, PhD, MBA
Principal Toxicologist Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health LLC
The latest court decisions on each and every exposure testimony – what are the trends?Notable experts, including each expert’s formulation of the every exposure theory and specific examples of some of the exposures that these experts have opined are causes of disease
Refining the causation standard in Bostic
How does the defense attack the testimony, including using weaknesses in the data relied on by the experts?
Requiring some evidence of exposure (frequency, proximity)
How long and how many times did the plaintiff work with the product?
Causation – what standard will Defendant be held liable?
Establishing medical causation
Expert testimony by pathologists
Single solitary exposure is a contributing cause of mesothelioma
Product IdentificationDaubert challenges
Plaintiff identifying defendant’s product that caused mesothelioma v. plaintiff saying all products he worked with caused mesothelioma
12:30 Molecular Genetics of Mesothelioma and Novel Therapeutic Approaches
Faris Farassati, PhD., Pharm.D. Associate Professor, Department of Medicine The University of Kansas Medical Center Novel therapeutic approaches against mesothelioma Genetics and mesothelioma Current clinical trials in mesothelioma