Ann Maher at Legal Newsline continues to help asbestos lawyers everywhere by tracking and reporting on Madison County’s asbestos docket. The numbers for 2014 are in, and are set out in a January 12, 2014 article. Key data is pasted below. The numbers reflect the reality that defendants continue to not push cases out of Madison County. Prior articles detail some but not all of the realities of the situation.
EDWARDSVILLE, Ill. (Legal Newsline) – Madison County, Ill., asbestos filings in 2014 were down from the previous record-setting year by approximately 20 percent.
In all, there were 1,300 cases filed in 2014, compared to 1,678 in 2013.
While the number of new cases over the previous year are down, Madison County’s docket has doubled in the last four years and tripled in the last seven.
Filings in 2013 were remarkable for a wave of lung cancer claims, new cases in 2014 were dominated by mesothelioma claims.
Out-of-state claimants continue to make up the vast majority of cases. Only 109 of the 1,300 2014 claimants reside in Illinois, or less than nine percent. Only 12 of the 109 Illinoisans reside in Madison County, or less than 1 percent.
-Mesothelioma cases: 76 percent, or 988;
-Lung cancer cases: 23 percent, or 294; and
-Other: 1 percent, or 18.
Firms and cases
-Simmons: 29 percent, or 379;
-Gori: 19.5 percent, or 254;
-Maune Raichle: 15.5 percent, or 202;
-Napoli: 10.1 percent, or 132;
-SWMK: 7.3 percent, or 95;
-Shrader: 6.5 percent, or 85;
-Flint: 5.4 percent, or 71;
-O’Brien: 1.6 percent, or 21;
-Richardson Patrick: 1.4 percent, or 19;
-Goldenberg: 1.2 percent, or 16; and
-Schoen: 0.9 percent, or 12;
The remaining one percent were filed by Perica (six); Gori and Lanier (four); Bilbrey (one); and others (three) not immediately known as docket entries were unavailable at Madison County courthouse public access computers.